
Keep your residents safe with secure QR code IDs

During the upcoming 32BJ SEIU negotiations in 2022, tens of thousands of building workers may strike if an agreement isn’t reached. BuildingQR helps keep your residents safe during this time.

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Scan the QR code

BuildingQR creates unique, secure, digital and printable QR Code IDs for each resident.

Each ID can be verified by authorized security staff against a securely-stored database of residents.

No more relying on a book of names or printing tens of thousands of sketchy, easily copied paper IDs.

Why BuildingQR?

BuildingQR creates unique, secure, digital and printable QR Code IDs for each resident.

See How It Works

How does it work?

Embed It

We give you a custom branded resident sign up form, which you can embed on your website or link to from an email blast.

Send It

You just verify each sign up from the form or send us a list of properties, resident names, and units.

Distribute It

We deliver to you a dashboard of every resident as a unique QR code that can be emailed directly to each resident for presentation on their mobile device—or printed at home (or by your team) for those that need paper copies.

We will automatically email IDs to all verified residents for you!

Scan It

You’ll be provided a link to give to your private security, where they can scan IDs from their mobile devices. No downloads needed, no personal information shared.


Straight Forward Pricing For Buildings and Communities of All Sizes

Our pricing is structured to grow linearly with the number of residents that you need to cater to and our simple, fixed rate includes all of BuildingQR's features.

Request Pricing

Frequently asked questions

If you have any further questions, get in touch with our friendly team.

Get in Touch

Where can I embed the resident form?

The sign up form for residents can be embedded in your website, on a temporary page, or even linked to directly. We'll make sure the colors and branding match yours, so that it blends in seamlessly wherever it goes.

How do you secure the IDs?

Each code is uniquely generated and coded to a record we store. When scanned, we verify the scanned ID against our database. Our database and all data is securely encrypted both at rest and in-flight.

Do we need to download anything?

No! Everything is done on the web, including scanning IDs. This means that your security team only needs to open a link on their mobile device to scan IDs.

How long does it take to deliver the IDs?

After receipt and validation of the resident list, we can deliver up to 100,000 IDs within 48 hours. Emailing IDs to residents takes 24 hours per 25,000 residents.